Church of Murchas

Parochial Church – With history since it could not escape the effects of an earthquake or those of the later fire, which had to ruin the wooden roof: its reconstruction obeys its current plant of a single nave (22 × 6 m), of Covered plaster and three chapel-like entrances in the treasury of the Gospel, and in which they are housed: Space of ascent to the tower (quadrangular prism of 3.50 m of side and three bodies imbibed with bell tower) , The baptismal chapel, another dedicated to the Heart of Jesus and two more a blind and another serving as sacristy with access from the outside. From what used to be the old altarpiece of the Church of the Savior, there are only a few carved and polychrome sculptures, probably from the 17th century, such as the Crucifix with three nails, St. John and the Virgin with the child, at the head Flat of its apse, and some other carvings on mánsulas in the walls, like the Arcángel San Miguel (of 1,50 ms of height), Santa Lucía (of 1,30 ms and a Virgin of Grace (of 1,10 m). There is also a solitude of dress, a crucifix in the baptismal chapel and a holy bishop of wood, without policromar, of later date.

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